Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sand and Gravel: Building the Winery: Part 13

As I look out my window, I barely see the progress made this week. Not that there was little progress....there are just trees in the way of a full panoramic view of the new building. This past weekend was devoted to catching up after a gross engineering error, and it seemed like everyone was spinning in place as the otherwise well orchestrated plan took an unexpected twist.

The concrete guys came in and spent an entire week laying down sand. A pressure test on a buried water line blew, so that had to be excavated and repaired. Platforms had to be built for concrete pads which will hold 3 air conditioning units, along with a humongous transformer. Maybe a generator will slide into a spot here too. And then there were the yards and yards (or is it tons and tons?) of gravel that was brought in and tamped down.

I found out why they didn't just throw all the broken cinder blocks from the "bad wall" into the center to just be poured over. Turns out that if one of these block pieces happens to be thrown over a buried piece of PVC, it might rupture the piping when the additional weight of the slab is put over it. Actually makes sense.

On Friday the metal weave and rebar was put in place in preparation for the slab. It will take 2 days to drop that much concrete in place.


As you can see the slab has been laid down. They did the major portion in one day, and used a 2nd day to do all the pads and steps that are around the parameter. It was a lot more work than just having a cement truck back up and drop the many loads. Four guys riding around on machines that sort of resembled those swamp air boats you see in the Everglades, evening out the slab to align with the outer walls. Another 4 guys troweling edges and cleaning up around all the piping that was sticking out. For the most part, it was completely set by the end of the day, before they actually left the site. The framing is next. The building is beginning to take shape and allow one to better visualize the 6000+ square feet of the completed Visitor's Center.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

"Whoops" - Building the Winery: Part 12

Whoops is not a word you want to hear from your surgeon or dentist. It also isn't one you want to hear from your builder. This past week things were just cranking along. All the underground work was underway, and a sharp subcontractor found a problem; one that needed to be corrected, not just worked around.

One of his placements was to put floor drains in the bottle-barrel room. Two drains in all.....1/3 back from thee rear wall, 1/3 forward from the front wall. When they finished the plumbers saw that the middle third was a lot bigger than the two other segments. I don't think they used the word: "Whoops". Sounds too prissy in the building trade. Expletives are in order, and fortunately in this case they weren't self-directed.

The site supervisor was called over, and he took out his giant sized tape measure and started to measure all the obvious things, starting with the front to back measurement of the wall locations. The rear wall, all 110' of it, was off by 4'. Though a "Do Over" was an easy answer, some effort was made to see if the design could be altered to accommodate this error. Unfortunately, trusses couldn't be changed and roof lines couldn't be altered without significant costs being added or structural integrity being compromised.

The error was identified....miss reading the specs. on the blueprint by the Degree-certified engineers that staked out the job. Determining who was responsible (and who will pay for the repair work) was easy; now urgent scheduling of cement trucks, concrete contractors, and masons had to be entered back into the work load immediately to try to remain on schedule with all the subsequent work that was already tightly planned. What a mess.
 The masons worked both Saturday and Sunday on this. Two new walls had to be built. The fireplace, that had been centrally located, was severely out of skew and needed to be rebuilt. Brick counts were off and the Supervisor had to race off to pick up more bricks and mortar....fortunately the supply house was open till noon on Saturday.

It had rained heavily shortly after the new ditches were dug. Our good luck with the weather had finally run out and the site looked like Amsterdam with all the new "waterways" holding the water. Nicely dug building pads had to be ripped up and dis-functional walls had to be slotted open to allow this water to drain off. Some pools of water still remained however and the masons had to adjust their mortar mix so it wouldn't dissolve in place while they laid their brick. They tried very hard to make order out of chaos.

And when they were done, the old wall still has to be dismantled and moved. What do you do with 382  cinder blocks, some broken, some not, with dried mortar hanging from all the edges?


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ditches and Pipes - Building the Winery: Part 11

The site has been fairly busy this week, but in a few short weeks all the work that is being done right now will be invisible. The slab will be poured soon, but before it is one must put all the feed piping in that will connect surface drains or allow feeds of wire through for all the above ground connections to be made later. It is a strong testament to these subcontractors who "somehow know" where the walls are going to be built, and make sure these lines are placed exactly right so the specs. can be accurately followed on placements of toilets and sinks, floor drains and electrical power.
It is a jungle of PVC pipe....white for the plumbers, grey for the electricians, working their way through hand cut ditches. The pipe is buried under just a few inches of soil now, but when the slab is set there will be 12" to 18" of sand, gravel, and concrete over the tops of them. There will be no going back to tweak their location. The sub's reputation is at risk. Nothing worse than a framer pointing out to the G.C. that what's his name didn't have a clue, and a change order is required to move a wall or position. 

In the meantime, working within the same parameter walls, another crew is putting in the framework to pour a center stemwall.....a wall going  down the center which will hold the weight of the center of the building. Fluorescent shirts seem to be the rage in the building trades as you can see. Piping had already been placed allowing for feeds from the front to the back of the building. 

We have been lucky so far in regards to the weather. Any rains we have received have been only light ones; none of which have affected the schedule. 

Over in the vineyards the work is hurried as we try to get everything ready for harvest. The grapes are rapidly changing color which is a sign that harvest is just around the corner. Diane has measured the BRIX twice so far, and with a BRIX on the Seyval Blanc approaching 16, it signals picking to be in about 3 weeks. But as mentioned in prior blog entries, late season fungus might accelerate our harvest plans, and a heavy rain might dilute these readings and set us back some. Last season we starting picking August 18th, so we aren't far off from this. 


Sunday, August 2, 2015

"Forever Young" - Building the Winery: Part 10

The last four days have been horribly hot. The days may start out a comfortable 72 degrees, but by mid-morning the humidity starts to take its toll as the thermometer climbs up into the 90's. Any one who works outside needs to do their duty before noon, or the hot climate will start to eat away at you and whatever energy you think you have in reserve.

My day has been starting right around 5 a.m. I know because that is when our rooster decides it will let the world know it is alive and well. Being a light sleeper, I hear this blasted animal regardless of how tired I am or if my head is buried beneath a pillow. But I know I can't see anything outside yet, so the gradual attempt at waking up is the norm. Cereal. Juice. A stiff cup of coffee (or 2). I throw my clothes on, knowing they will be drenched by the humidity, my perspiration, and kneeling down in the grasses still wet from the morning dew.

My body is in automatic now. I have pre-cut the trellis ties I use, placing them in my work apron along with my pruning shears. My short walk takes me from the front of the house to row 44. I have been pruning these Scuppernongs now for near half a month, and in the last couple of days I have been knocking out 2 rows a day (i.e. 5 to 6 hours) because I can sense getting to the end after 21 rows and because Rich has shamed me into completing the job while he is working the other field.

Scuppernongs are a maze of nature. A cultivar of muscadine, left alone they will grow in a zillion directions. Though they had been pruned once early in the season, they now are in a state of complete mayhem. The good news is that they probably have a full 2 month's of growth left before we harvest them, so the pruning will help in their development and even more growth. For those unfamiliar with Scuppernongs, they are a native variety of grape, growing from northern Florida up the east coast to parts of Virginia. They do not have the "normal" bunches you envision grapes to have......they are in small clusters of 5 or 6 or 7. The grapes are the size of golf balls, with a thick outer skin and a very sweet flesh. When you start pruning they are a glob of green leaves, but when the pruning is complete, a structure is made which resembles a grape hedge, with shoots going vertical both upwards and downwards. They grow so well here that I allow 12' of expansion in each direction of the trellis.

This one vine took nearly a half hour to shape.

As I am pruning this vine, in the background Rod Stewart is singing "Forever Young". If you know those 2 words, you have mastered 80% of the song. The masonry crew is on site, recognizing the heat index could only slow them down. The head mason is an older guy, and on the weekend he has the radio blasting from his truck. It is a compilation of 70's and 80's music. Clapton. Steeley Dan. Fleetwood Mac. No hip hop and surprisingly no country. But today it seemed like an endless loop of "Forever Young". It makes you crazy. You are doing basically the same thing over and over and this song gets stuck in your head, long after the radio station has moved to the next jingle. It's over and over again. Please give me a new tune to replace this one ! Another one never comes and the only way I can escape it is complete my rows for the day and go inside where it is much much cooler.

The brick layers did a splendid job in their 4 days on the job. They layered concrete blocks 3 high all around the foundation, attached with mortar on top of the "mud" layer from the prior day's pouring.

The view here is looking east. The vineyard is on the left, while our house is located just beyond the trees in the upper right. The rectangle in the lower right is for our Function Room with a fireplace, while the bigger rectangle will house the main part of the building, including the tasting room and bottle-barrel room. 


Saturday, August 1, 2015

From the Ground Up - Building the Winery: Part 9

With the well being put on hold temporarily, the next big "Action Item" is putting in the foundation. Unlike up North, where nearly every building has a basement, footer foundations and poured slabs seem to be the norm here. It is probably just as well, after you took a look at the high water table in my previous post.

It may lack excitement to most readers, but after nearly two years of fighting to get this far, to see some earth being moved around and some concrete poured is pretty exciting stuff.

After some flagging, a concrete firm came in and dug a trench all around the parameter of the building footprint which was about 18" wide x 36" deep. In this gravel was placed, and then nearly a day's worth of setting in re-bar. Laser sensors are now used to place "sight rods" which indicate exactly how high the concrete is to be poured in and leveled off. And then the true exhibition took place. The site supervisor had his directorial debut, where 3 different companies came in to perform "Act One" of the foundation project.  It started with a brand spanking new half-million dollar truck with this extraordinarily long boom on it which pumped concrete and shot it into the trough that had been dug. The operator used a hand-held control box as he directed the boom and nozzle into the ditch, slowly shooting the concrete around into the new walls. On one side of him the concrete workers hand leveled the paste, while the traditional cement truck backed up to the pumper and shot it's barrel-rotated mixture into the pumper to keep it primed.

It was an all day project which required 2 1/2 cement trucks to provide all the cement that was needed. It only needs a couple days to set before the masonry guys can come in to start the brick work....


We have a side project going on too. I'll just be putting up pictures as it moves along in unison with the new winery building. If you have an idea as to what it is going to be, send your guess to my email address:
If you already know, please don't post it yet; it'll be interesting to see the varied input which I will share in subsequent posts.